Sunday 24 March 2013

Monday 25th March

Welcome to this week’s blog. There won’t be any homework this week as it is a short week and also because the children are busy making their Easter gardens.

Easter garden competition

On Tuesday morning there will be an Easter Garden competition and the children can make a garden using a box and using an Easter theme.

In Mrs Harding’s class 49% of children were heard read three times during the last week.
In Mrs Sarsfield’s 46% of children were heard read three times.
In Mrs Morgan’s  class 50% of children were heard read three times a week.

Mrs Morgan/ Mrs Harding/Mrs Sarsfield.
In all three  groups we will be having a review week of the recent tests. We will be going over the topics that we have got wrong and teaching topics again. This week we will be concentrating on x by 100 and 1000 and also right angles and exchanging a ten when subtracting.

This week we will be improving the written work that we completed for the recent tests. Children will peer and self assess and write up their work.
Also we will be practising different types of sentences using:

Two adjectives before a noun.

Smart, crazy clown.....

Three ed words.

Amazed, shocked and stunned the boy scurried.....

We are continuing with our topic –Giving all and be reading the Easter stories.

Easter activities

This week we will be making/finishing off Easter cards and making Easter baskets too.

Have a good week everyone. Happy Easter!

Best wishes

The 3 and 4 teachers.

Sunday 17 March 2013

Monday 18th March

Welcome to this week’s blog. Homework is normal this week. However, at the end of this week we will not be giving any homework out as the following week will be a short week. Also the children have been asked to bring in an Easter garden for Tuesday of the final week.

This week we will be completing assessment tests in Maths, Reading and Writing.

In Mrs Harding’s class 52% of children were heard read three times during the last week.
In Mrs Sarsfield’s 50% of children were heard read three times.
In Mrs Morgan’s  class 54% of children were heard read three times a week.

Mrs Morgan/ Mrs Harding.

This week we will be completing tests. We will also be learning about 2D shape and starting to learn about 3d shape.

Mrs Sarsfield’s Group

In Mrs Sarsfield’s group will be problem solving using the RUCSAC method. The children will be completing questions on Multiplication and division.

This week we will be completing reading and  writing assessments.  
We will also be writing a set of instructions again using superlatives.
The most....
The tastiest
The smallest....

We are starting a new topic about Easter and Lent called ALL GIVING.
We will be thinking about takers and givers and people who do difficult jobs.


This week we will be continuing our with  International Primary Curriculum topic.

Paintings, pictures and photographs.
This week we will be considering all the pictures that we see around us.
For example:
Adverts to persuade
Works of art to decorate
Signs to inform
We will also be thinking about WHAT IS ART? We will also be learning about famous artists too.


In Spanish we will be reviewing colours.

Have a good week everyone.

Best wishes

The 3 and 4 teachers.

Sunday 10 March 2013

Monday 11th March

Welcome to this week’s blog. Homework is normal this week. We have started a new set of spellings and an overview sheet should be in the children’s homework books.

In Mrs Harding’s class 40% of children were heard read three times during the last week.
In Mrs Sarsfield’s 40% of children were heard read three times.
In Mrs Morgan’s  class 44% of children were heard read three times a week.

Mrs Morgan/ Mrs Harding.
In all three  groups we will be having a review week on different concepts.
We will be reviewing addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, measurement and fractions.

This week our work will focus on instructions. The children will learn about writing a set of instructions and write some of their own. We will also be investigating about different types of adjectives. We will be learning that we can add ful, less, ly or er on to the end of a noun it changes to an adjective.

We are continuing with our topic – listening and sharing. We will be looking closely at the parts of the Mass, the presentation of the gifts and the Eucharist.


This week we will be starting a new International Primary Curriculum topic.

Paintings, pictures and photographs.
We will be thinking about what the topic will be about and what the children would like to learn. This week we will be considering all the pictures that we see around us.
For example:
Adverts to persuade
Works of art to decorate
Signs to inform


In Spanish we will be reviewing colours and be learning about higher numbers. We will be adding numbers in Spanish.

Have a good week everyone.

Best wishes

The 3 and 4 teachers.

Sunday 3 March 2013

Monday 4th March

Welcome to this week’s blog. Your child should have brought home a set of spellings and their homework book. Maths homework is task 5 for Year 3 and task 15 for Mrs Harding’s and Mrs Morgan’s Year 4. Task 14 for Mrs Sarsfields group. Please remember to hand it in on a Thursday so we have time to mark it and get it back to you. Thank you

Thursday Confirmation and Holy Communion meeting 6.30 at St Josephs. Year 4.

In Mrs Harding’s class 32% of children were heard read three times during the last week.
In Mrs Sarsfield’s 30% of children were heard read three times.
In Mrs Morgan’s  class 30% of children were heard read three times a week.

Mrs Morgan/ Mrs Harding.
In these groups we will be continuing with NEGATIVE NUMBERS and will be reviewing addition, subtraction , division and multiplication.

Mrs Sarsfield
Will be focusing on column addition and subtraction of 2 and 3 digit numbers, including carrying in addition and exchanging a ten in subtraction.
They will also be completing some trial and error/ reasoning problems requiring addition and subtraction to solve them.

This week our work will focus on WORLD BOOK DAY. The children will be thinking about their favourite books and authors. The children will also be writing to the favourite authors and asking them lots of questions too.

On Thursday the children will be able to dress up as a book character. The book fair opens this week too.

We are continuing with our topiclistening and sharing. We will be looking closely at the parts of the Mass, the presentation of the gifts and the Eucharist.


This week we will be completing our art work for the PAN project and we will also be making Mother’s day cards.


In Spanish we will be learning about carnivals and making carnival masks.

Have a good week everyone.

Best wishes

The 3 and 4 teachers.