Sunday 12 July 2015

Monday 13th July

Welcome to our last blog of the year.
This will be the last blog I write for 3 and 4 and I am sad to leave the year groups but am looking forwards to new challenges. It has been a pleasure to teach with all the Key Stage Two staff especially Mrs Morgan and Mrs Sarsfield. We welcome Mrs Edwards and Miss Backhouse into the team and I am sure it will be a fantastic new start and successful year.

This week the children will be doing lots of work for their records of achievement and will be completing some work to take home too. The children will be doing some follow up work on Chester zoo.
Lost property 
There is such a lot of lost property in the Juniors and especially in the lost property bin in Mrs Harding's cloakroom. Please could you come in and check as we will not have it over the summer holidays. Thank you.
Leaver’s Mass
The Leaver’s Mass will be on Tuesday 21st at 9.15am. Please remember that this is a very special event for our year six children and space is a premium in the hall.

On behalf of the 3 and 4 team I would like to thank you for all your support and we hope you have a lovely summer.

Mrs Harding
Mrs Sarsfield
Mrs Morgan

Sunday 5 July 2015

Monday 6th July

Welcome to our very nearly last blog of the year.
The children enjoyed visiting their new classroom last week and I am sure it will help them in the transition into their new class in September.

We have sent out homework and the children should have received Maths homework. There are three activities on my maths too. We are all testing the age related spellings for the whole year. There are some children who need to learn them. However, lots of children now know all or most of them. Well done children.

We have sent home the full list of age related spellings.
Art Exhibition
Pictures are available to buy for seven pounds for the next week.

 Chester zoo trip
We will be leaving just after nine and are due back at four o clock traffic permitting.
The children will need a waterproof if the weather is due to rain. The children will need sun cream as we will be outside all day. The children need a disposable packed lunch. They can bring up to ten pounds and this can be used to buy extra drinks while we are there.

In RE we will be thinking about special places. We will be thinking in detail about special places for Jesus and all the different Bible stories related to this. We will be completing an RE assessment too.

This week will be doing lots of writing activities. We will be completing a writing activity to send up to the children’s next teacher. We will be testing the children on the age related spellings too.

Mrs Morgan/Mrs Harding
This week the children will be reviewing Roman numerals and start work o number problems such as:

"I'm thinking of a number.  If you multiply my number by 5 and then add 6, you will get 51.  What is my number?"
(ans = 9)

The children will learn how to solve the question by going backwards through it and changing the signs to the opposite.

Mrs Sarsfield.

The children will be continuing to learn about angles and turns and start to learn about algebra too.



Have a good week,


The 3 and 4 team.



Sunday 28 June 2015

Monday 29th June

Welcome to our blog.

The children practised Sport’s day last week and are looking forward to Tuesday morning. Sport’s day starts at 9.30am. Please remember that the children need to wear the correct colour tee shirt for their team. The weather is going to be excellent so the children need sun cream, bottle of water and a hat too please.

Mrs Harding’s Y3
Mrs Morgan’s Y4
Mrs Jackson’s Y5
Mr Hughes’ Y6

Mrs Sarsfield’s Y3
Mrs Harding’s Y4
Mrs Millington’s Y5
Mrs Jackson’s Y6
Mrs Morgan’s Y3
Mrs Sarsfield’s Y4
Mr Hughes’ Y5
Mrs Millington’s Y6

We have sent out homework and the children should have received Maths homework. For English homework we are all testing the age related spellings for the whole year. There are some children who need to learn them. However, lots of children now know all or most of them. Well done children.

We have sent home the full list of age related spellings.
Art Exhibition
Pictures are available to buy for seven pounds for the next two weeks.

Chester zoo trip

Please could the remaining consent forms and also the monies be sent in as soon as possible.

In RE we will be thinking about special places. We will be thinking in detail about special places of Jesus and all the different Bible stories related to this.

This week will be a short week in our year groups. Therefore, we will be teaching three days of poetry and animal silly poetry. We will be learning about syllables and rhyme. The children will be producing their own poetry too.

Mrs Morgan/Mrs Harding

This week the children will be reviewing subtraction with and without regrouping. The children will be practising when to exchange a ten and when they do not need to.

Mrs Sarsfield.
The children will be continuing to learn about different forms of data handling such as bar and line graphs.


This week we will be learning about the life cycle of a plant which includes germination,  flowers, photosynthesis, seed production and seed dispersal.

Have a good week,

The 3 and 4 team.


Sunday 21 June 2015

Monday 22nd June

Welcome to our blog

Last week the children completed all their end of year assessments and these will be reported to you with their reports in July.
Age related spellings homework
We have sent home the full list of age related spellings and these are being tested every Friday. Please could you spend some time helping your child learn these as they MUST know them.

Art Exhibition
The children have been really busy and have been producing a piece of art work . This art work will be mounted and framed and you will be able to purchase and order  it along with other copies on Thursday after school until 6.00pm.

Chester zoo trip
Please could the remaining consent forms and also the monies be sent in as soon as possible.

In RE we will be thinking about special places. The children will be thinking about their own special place. They will be learning about special places of Jesus too.

The children will be learning about persuasive writing and arguments. They will be thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of different types of holidays. The children will be reviewing connectives and how to structure an argument.

Mrs Morgan/Mrs Harding
This week the children will be learning about finding the area and perimeter of different shapes such as rectangles and squares.

Mrs Sarsfield.
The children will be learning about different forms of data handling such as bar and line graphs. The children will also be learning about angles too.

This week we will be learning about parts what a plant needs to grow such as nutrients, water, air and warmth. Also the children will be learning about how fluids move through the stem and leaves of a plant. We will be setting up an experiment with food dye and also food colouring to show the movement of fluids through the different parts of a plant.

Have a good week,
The 3 and 4 team.

Friday 12 June 2015

Monday 15th June

Welcome to our blog

This  week we will be assessing the children to see how much progress that they have made during the last academic year. The children will be sitting test in reading, writing and maths. It is really important that the children have full attendance as the children perform their tests much better when they are sat with their groups or classes.

Age related spellings homework
We have sent home the full list of age related spellings and these are being tested every Friday. Please could you spend some time helping your child learn these as they MUST know them.


In RE we will be continuing with our new topic on choices. The children will be listening to the story Jesus told of the man and the two sons. The children will also be watching a part of Pinocchio and thinking about consciences and how we think and deal about things.

The children will be having a reading test that consists of a short and a long test. The children will also writing a long piece of writing to assess what level they are.

Mrs Morgan/Mrs Harding
This week the children will be having a written maths test and also a mental maths test. The children will also be adding decimals  and working with measurement of length using centimetres, millimetres and metres.

Mrs Sarsfield.
The children will be reviewing lots of topics and then sitting their written maths tests well as their mental maths test.

This week we will be learning about parts what a plant needs to grow such as nutrients, water, air and warmth. Also the children will be learning about how fluids move through the stem and leaves of a plant. We will be setting up an experiment with food dye and also food colouring to show the movement of fluids through the different parts of a plant.

This week we will all be finishing our work on our individual artists. This art work will be displayed for you to purchase at the end of June. The children will be copying the style of an artist such as Paul Klee or Georgia O Keefe or African art.

 Have a good week,


The 3 and 4 team.

Monday 8 June 2015

Monday 8th June

Welcome to our first blog of the final half term which I am sure will go extremely fast.

Over the next two weeks we will be assessing the children to see how much progress that they have made during the last academic year. The children will be sitting test in reading, writing and maths. It is really important that the children have full attendance as the children perform their tests much better when they are sat with their groups or classes.
Homework will start again next week. Spellings will be sent home.

In RE we will be starting a new topic on choices. The children will be thinking about good and bad choices and the consequences of choices in life.


The children will be reviewing lots of concepts such as adverbs, inverted commas,  adjectives etc. They will be writing their assessed piece of writing at the end of the week. This will tell us their level and where they are in relation to age related targets for English.


Mrs Morgan/Mrs Harding

This week we will be reviewing lots of concepts such as money problems, data handling, decimals, fractions and fractions of numbers, division and number lines.


Mrs Sarsfield

The children will be reviewing lots of topics too such as number work, shape, data handling , fractions etc.



This week we will be learning about parts of a flowering plant and the children need to be able to identify parts as well as knowing their functions This includes petals, sepals, roots, stigmas, stamens, anthers etc.


This week we will all be working on an individual artist’s techniques and style. This art work will be displayed for you to purchase at the end of June. The children will be copying the style of an artist such as Paul Klee or Georgia O Keefe.

 Have a good first week,

The 3 and 4 team.

Sunday 17 May 2015

Monday 18th May

Welcome to our blog

Homework was sent home last week and the children have spellings to learn and a comprehension to complete as usual. Please make sure that it is sent in on Thursday so it can be marked. There are my maths exercises to complete before the end of the half term. Thank you.

Sacraments of Holy Communion and Confirmation

The Year Four have a busy week ahead of them.

Walk to church at 1.00 pm and we will be back before home time. Thank you to all the parents who have said that they will walk up to church on Monday afternoon. See you at 1.00pm.

Service starts at 6.30pm. The children will need to be in church before then at 6.00pm.

Photographs and Communion party.
The children will be having their photographs take in school by the school photographer. The children should bring in a contribution of food such as cakes, biscuits, soft drinks etc. No fizzy drinks please. After the party the children will be allowed to change out of their clothes so please provide a coat hanger! The children may change into their own clothes afterwards. They can bring in board games to play with too.

In RE this week we will be finishing off the topic of ENERGY. The children will be thinking about their energy and the energy of special people and the energy of the disciples when they were given the gift of the Holy Spirit. We will also be thinking about the sacrament of confirmation that the Year Four will be making on Thursday too.

The children will be completing a comprehension, learning and commas and prefixes. The children will also be completing work on question marks.

Mrs Morgan/Mrs Harding
This week we will be completing money problems and be learning about different forms of data handling. The children will be learning about Venn diagrams, Carroll diagrams and bar charts.

Mrs Sarsfield
The children will be learning all about angles. The children will be learning again about right angles, triangles, quadrilaterals and the different types of angle such as acute, reflex and obtuse.

We will be continuing our topic on the ANGLOSAXONS. The children will be learning about village life and learning about different Anglosaxon jobs. They will be writing about the different jobs.

This week we will be learning about different food groups and healthy meals and linking this to the body and the heart.

Have a good week everyone and enjoy two weeks off.

The 3 and 4 team.

Sunday 10 May 2015

Monday 11th May

Welcome to our blog

Homework was sent home last week and the children have spellings to learn and a comprehension to complete. The children are not required to write sentences. Please make sure that it is sent in on Thursday so it can be marked. There are my maths exercises to complete before the end of the half term. Thank you for your support with this. We are hoping this will help the children's reading skills.

In RE this week we will be continuing with our topic on Energy. The children will be learning about the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.


This week we will be linking our work to topic work and the story of Funny bones. We will also be reviewing commas. We will also improving our writing and reviewing homophones such as:

Mrs Morgan/Mrs Harding

This week we will be adding and subtracting money. The children will also be finding change and money totals too.


Mrs Sarsfield

The children will be completing assessments and will be taught a range of topics that need reviewing such as fractions, decimals and the four rules of addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.


We will be continuing our topic on the ANGLOSAXONS. We will be examining artefacts and looking at evidence and how we can use this to find out about the Anglosaxons.


This week we will be learning about the heart and the functions of the heart. To find out more go to:

 Have a good week everyone.

The 3 and 4 team.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Tuesday 5th May

Welcome to our blog
Homework started at the end of the week. Normal spellings and a  comprehension to complete to help their reading.  The children received a math’s task and there are my maths tasks on line too that finish on the last day of term.

Friday VE day

On Friday to celebrate the end of the second world war in 1945 the children can wear red, white or blue. 


In RE this week we will be continuing with our topic on Energy. The children will be learning about the Ascension and the gift of the Holy Spirit that the disciples received after the Resurrection of Christ.


This week we will be exploring more ideas about myths and linking it to our story of Beowolf.

We will be editing the story we have written and making improvements too. The children will be self and peer marking. The children will also be learning more about commas and their different uses in sentence.


Mrs Morgan/Mrs Harding

This week we will reviewing lots of topics such as different lines, types of angles and subtraction with and without remainders too.


Mrs Sarsfield

The children will be continuing with fractions. Fractions of shapes, adding and subtracting fractions and finding fractions of numbers too. The children will be reviewing inverse operations too.


We will be continuing our topic on the ANGLOSAXONS. We will be learning about the kingdoms of the Anglo Saxons and village life too.



This week we will be learning about different types of skeletons including exoskeletons. The children will be learning about different types of skeletons in animals and birds.

Have a good week everyone.

The 3 and 4 team.

Sunday 26 April 2015

Monday 27th April

Welcome to our blog
The year four had a fabulous time last week and the children were a credit to you. The weather was fantastic and we couldn’t have asked for more. See the school newsletter or twitter to see lots of pictures of the different activities. The children did zip wire, leap of faith, camp fire, rock climbing, problem solving, disco and bush craft. Every child participated in lots of activities and had a good time both in the and out of the dorms!!
Homework will start at the end of the week. Normal spellings and sentences etc. The children will receive a math’s task and there are my maths tasks on line too that finish on the last day of term.

There is Sacramental preparation on Thursday night at 6.30pm for all the Year 4 who are making their Holy Communion in May.

In RE this week we will be continuing with our topic on Energy. The children will be learning about the Ascension and the gift of the Holy Spirit that the disciples received after the Resurrection of Christ.

This week we will be exploring more ideas about myths and linking it to our story of Beowolf. We will also be reading the book and looking at the animated tale. We will be thinking about villains and heros and adjectives linked to these. The children will be planning and writing their own myth. They will be reviewing prepositions and homophones too.

Mrs Morgan/Mrs Harding
This week we will reviewing time and learning how to tell the time in five minute intervals and also be completing problems and some children will be learning about the 24 hour clock.


Mrs Sarsfield

The children will be reviewing fractions. Fractions of shapes, adding and subtracting fractions and finding fractions of numbers too.


We will be continuing our topic on the ANGLOSAXONS. We will be learning about the kingdoms of the Anglo Saxons and village life too.

Have a good week everyone.

The 3 and 4 team.

Saturday 18 April 2015

Monday 20th April

Welcome to our blog.
The Year 4 are really excited about the fast approaching trip.


ALL  activities require long sleeves and trousers.
­  Pyjamas/Nightdress, Dressing Gown
­  Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Soap (in box) – NO SPRAYS
­  Towels – 1 large/1 small
­  Hairbrush/Comb
­  Trousers, Tracksuits, Shirts/Blouses, Jumpers – Long Sleeves
       (Quick Drying Clothes - Two complete changes)
­  Underwear and Socks – (Two changes)
­  Pair of Pumps, Slippers, Shoes, Training Shoes - preferably
     with gripping soles for walking and wellies
­  Anorak/Coat with Hood or Hat/Gloves
­  Clear Plastic Bag for dirty clothing
­  Clothes for Night-time Campfire – Warm Coat




SNACKS  -  As stated in the letter snacks will be provided by staff  from the money you sent in, so children do not need to bring a snack. 

Pocket Money – Maximum of £10.00 may be taken for spending in small shop.


In RE this week the children will be continuing with the RE topic on ENERGY. The children will be thinking about different types of power.


This week the year three will be doing lots of activities related to improving their writing.

The children will learn what a BOYS sentence is. That is using the connectives


It was a warm day, yet storm clouds gathered over the distant mountains.

The children will also be learning how to write list sentences such as

I was a dark, long, leafy lane.

She had a cold, cruel cackle.

In maths the year three will be learning all about symmetry.

To find our more click on:

 Have a great week everyone wherever you are.


The 3 and 4 team.