Saturday 28 September 2013

Monday 30th September

Welcome to this week's Blog Spot. The children have had a great first few weeks back. Nearly all the children were heard read this week at home and also their maths homework came in for the first time. We will test spellings every Friday. Please remember that project homework is due in at the end of term in the last week. See previous blog for the full details of the homework.

There will be an ASSEMBLY FOR 3 / 4 H's parents and children on the last RE topic of people. The assembly is on Thursday at 9.00am. You are most welcome to come into school.

This week we will be starting a new topic - CALLED. We will be thinking about people who have been called and had a special calling to God. The children will also be thinking about special times when they have been chosen.

This week we will be continuing with activities on Charlotte's web and activities relating to homophones and verbs.

This week we will be reviewing lots of concepts such as fractions, rounding of numbers to the nearest 10, partitioning of numbers and place value.

This week the children will be learning all about the grid method of multiplication. Some children will be multiplying up to 3 and 4 digit numbers.

Please remember that timetables are essential in nearly all Mathematical concepts. There are lots of games on line for children to practise their tables.

This week the children will be completing a comprehension on roundheads and cavaliers. The children will be also drawing large scale drawings of them and using paint and pastels to colour them in.

Have a good week everyone,
The three and four team.

Friday 20 September 2013

Monday 23rd September

Welcome to this week’s blog. Homework was sent out at the end of last week Spellings to learn for the next week and a long term project on the civil war. This is a copy of the homework.

Warrington in the Civil war Project homework
In school we have started a topic on Warrington in the Civil war. We would like the children to find out about an aspect of Warrington  in the past. For example : the waterways, tannery, brewery, Crosfields, the rugby team, the wire industry, the history of transport or any history of local building or famous person linked with Warrington.

Examples of work: power points, large posters, models, map work, written reports etc.

Your child will be expected to give a short presentation to the rest of the class to show their finished product, during the last week before half term.
14th to the 18th of October.

Good luck and we are really looking forward to the wonderful creations. 

Please note this is to replace the sentence homework. We will be still doing the maths homework and learning spellings.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to come in and see one of the three and four team.
Mrs Sarsfield
Mrs Harding
Mrs Morgan

Mrs Morgan/ Mrs Harding.
This week we will be partitioning numbers, learning about the signs for greater than and less than , rounding numbers and finding fractions of shapes. We will also be starting to complete our timetables tests when the children will have to answer 100 timetables in 7 or 8 minutes.

The children will be learning about number sequences and also rounding to 10, 100 and 1000. We will also be starting to complete our timetables tests when the children will have to answer 100 timetables in 7 or 8 minutes.

This week our work will focus on Charlotte’s web. The children will be reading more of the book and complete activities relating to this. The children will also be completing grammar work and a reading comprehension. The children will continue to learn about  tenses and homophones too.

We are continuing with our topic –People . This week we are concentrating on scripture stories such as Jacob, Abraham Joseph and Ruth.

We will be completing an assessment on Abraham too.


This week we will be continuing our topic on Warrington in the civil war. We will be finding out about Charles the first. We will be finding out about how exactly the civil war began. The children will continue to learn about roundheads and cavaliers.

Have a good week everyone.

Best wishes

The 3 and 4 teachers.

Monday 16 September 2013

Monday 16th September

Welcome to this week’s blog. Homework will be sent out at the end of this week Spellings to learn for the next week and a long term project on the civil war. MATHS Mrs Morgan/ Mrs Harding. In all three groups we will be learning about number sequences and missing numbers. The children will also be learning about the story of 8. What re all the operations we can use to make 8. We will also be starting to complete our timetables tests when the children will have to answer 100 timetables in 7 or 8 minutes. MRS SARSFIELD MATHS GROUP The children will be learning about number sequences and also rounding to 10, 100 and 1000. We will also be starting to complete our timetables tests when the children will have to answer 100 timetables in 7 or 8 minutes. ENGLISH This week our work will focus on Charlotte’s web. The children will be reading more of the book and complete activities relating to this. The children will also be completing grammar work and a reading comprehension. The children will be reviewing tenses and homophones too. RE We are continuing with our topic –People . We will be looking closely family trees and thank you for completing lots of yours. This week we are concentrating on scripture stories such as Jacob, Abraham and Joseph. TOPIC This week we will be continuing our topic on Warrington in the civil war. We will be finding out about Oliver Cromwell and King Charles the first. Also we will be continuing finding out the reasons for the civil war. We will be learning about the two opposing armies– the roundheads and cavaliars. Have a good week everyone. Best wishes The 3 and 4 teachers.

Saturday 7 September 2013

Monday 9th September

Welcome to this week’s blog. We are very sorry about the diaries and we have been assured that they will be sent to school by early next week.

Please remember that our Induction meeting takes place on Wednesday evening at 3 pm. At this meeting you will learn routines and facts about your child being in Year Three and Four.

In RE we will be starting a new topic called PEOPLE.
This week we will be learning about family trees, virtual family trees and real family trees. We will also be talking about our different relations.
The children will be thinking about Jesus having a family just like we do.


In Maths this week we will be putting the children into their Math’s groups.

This week we will be reviewing all different concepts and practising counting forwards and backwards.

We will be reviewing

Odd and even numbers
Number lines
Formation of numbers
Number bonds to 10, 20 and 100.

This week we will be starting our comprehensions, assessing the children’s reading and spelling and also learning about the punctuation face.

Text Box: Punctuated
We will be starting our new topic on Warrington in the civil war.

Have a good week everyone,
The three and four team.