Sunday 30 June 2013

Monday 1st July

Welcome to this week’s blog.
Please remember that we have our trip to Chester zoo on Friday and all slips and monies need to be in school as son as possible. Thank you.

The annual BBQ is on Friday evening too. Tickets are available or you can pay on the door.

Mrs Morgan/ Mrs Harding
This week we are reviewing the four rules of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Timetables are essential for your child’s development and this cannot be stressed enough. Five minutes a day could really improve their Maths.

Mrs Sarsfield.
This week the group will be learning about decimals and fractions.


This week we will be reviewing adverbs and  connectives. We will also be continuing with report writing and stories with dilemmas.

TOPIC- Saving the world.
This week we will be tasting different fruit juices and making up a rain forest fruit drink. The children will be designing a poster to advertise their product.


We will be continuing our topic called SPECIAL PLACES.
We will be thinking about our special places and the special places in Jesus’s life.
Have a good week everyone.

Best wishes

The 3 and 4 teachers.

Sunday 23 June 2013

Monday 24th June

Welcome to this week's blog spot. Thank you for all your support last week during out two day inspection. The children were excellent and we hope to have the report soon.

SPORTS DAY On Tuesday morning we will have out clock sports weather permitting. If the weather is so bad it will be on Wednesday morning instead. The children have abeen asked to wear a teeshirt of their team colour.

This week we will sort out the homework and spellings so homework can go home. We were a little busy on Friday and will hopefully get back into our routine. This week we are having an eco week and will be completing lots of work related to this. The children need to bring in a juice carton because they will be making purses and wallets by weaving the carton.

 MATHS - Mrs Morgan/ Mrs Harding

This week we will be reviewing and learning all about telling the time. The children need to be able to tell the time to the nearest minute in analogue and digital time. We will also be learning about the 24 hour clock.

MATHS - Mrs Sarsfield

This week the children will be learning about number, square numbers, factors and multiples.


This week the children will be learning about report writing  still. We will be relating it to the rain forest and also to an assembly on REPTILES we are having this week.


We will be relating our work to eco week and also the rain forest.

 Have a good week everyone.

 The Three and Four team.

Sunday 16 June 2013

Monday 17th June

Welcome to this week’s blog. Homework will start at the end of this week for the final few weeks of the term.

Mrs Morgan/ Mrs Harding

This week we are starting a new topic on AREA AND PERIMETER.
The children will be finding out how to find the area by counting squares and also by multiplying the width x length of a shape. We will also be finding the perimeter of shapes.

Timetables are essential for your child’s development and this cannot be stressed enough. Five minutes a day could really improve their Maths.

Please remember that there are tasks on my maths too. We will be updating them this week as some of them have been a little hard.

Mrs Sarsfield.
This week the group will be learning about properties of numbers such as multiples, factors and square numbers. The children will also be learning about ratio and proportion.

This week we will be starting to learn about REPORTS. We will be looking closely at newspapers and how they are organised. By the end of the week the children will be writing a report.

TOPIC- Saving the world.
This week we will be learning more about rainforests: We will be learning about the different fruits of the rain forest. We will be observing and drawing the different fruits. We will also be thinking about the conditions needed for growth in the rain forest. We will be planting some seeds too. Also we will be learning about food triangles and how food triangles all start off with a green plant.


We will be starting a new topic called SPECIAL PLACES.
We will be thinking about our special places and the special places in Jesus’s life.
Have a good week everyone.

Best wishes

The 3 and 4 teachers.