Tuesday 26 August 2014

Wednesday 3rd September

Welcome to Three and Four.

Welcome to our own 3 and 4 blog spot. We will update this each week with brief notes about what we are learning in the next week.

During the first few weeks of term the children will be learning about routines and classroom rules.

The children will be thinking about what they like in a classroom and what rules that they would like to have. The children will be doing lots of circle time and discussion. 

The children will be reviewing the code of conduct and going over the expected high expectations of behaviour both in and out of the classroom.

Homework will start in two weeks. However, we ask that the children are heard read at least three times per week and please enter any comments in their diary. Thank you.

In English this week the children will be learning about capitals letters and full stops. The children will be completing some reading and spelling tests so that the teachers know what groups the children will be in.

The children will be starting the first RE topic HOMES. The children will be thinking about their own homes, the importance of homes and the different types of homes.

We will be starting our new topic THE STONE AGE. The children will be introduced to the topic and learn some basic knowledge and factual information about THE STONE AGE.


Have a good first week everyone,

The 3 and 4 team.