Sunday 29 March 2015

Monday 30th March

Welcome to our short week of this half term. The children will be having their Easter garden competition on Monday in the morning. There will be three prizes for every class.There will be an Easter service on Wednesday at 9.15am led by Mrs Pinto's class and some of year three and four.

Thank you for all your hard work with the Roman projects this last term and the efforts from most children have been outstanding. Our next history topic will be the ANGLOSAXONS. However we will be reverting back to normal homework for the final term.

During the next few days the children will be practising the hymns for the Easter service, making Easter cards and completing the Easter story in their RE lessons.

Please remember that the year four will be going to Kingswood and a meeting was held last week and a kit list and other information was distributed.

On behalf of all the three and four team,
Have a lovely Easter and let's hope the weather improves soon.

Sunday 22 March 2015

Monday 23rd March

Welcome to our blog.
There will be no homework this week because of the Easter garden competition on Monday 30th of March. We have sent out age related spellings for Year three and four though and these will be tested on Friday.
Meeting Year Four
There is a meeting for Holy Communion at 6.30pm in St Joseph's centre.

In RE this week we will be continuing with our topic Giving all. The children will be thinking about Lent and Jesus’s time in the dessert. The children will also be completing their RE formal assessment task.

This week the children will be reviewing inverted commas, time phrases and also connectives. The children will be completing tests in reading and  writing.

Mrs Morgan/Mrs Harding
This week we will reviewing lots of Math’s concepts that we have studied and be completing Math’s assessment tests.


Mrs Sarsfield

The children will be revising and reviewing various Math’s concepts and be completing a  Math’s test.


We will be continuing with our topic on the ROMANS. The children will be learning about Romulus and Remus and recounting the story.

The children will be learning about magnetism. The children will be learning about poles of magnetism, materials that are magnetic and different types of magnets.

Have a good week everyone.

The 3 and 4 team.

Saturday 14 March 2015

Monday 16th March

Welcome to our blog.
This will be the last week we send out homework. We would like to give the children some time to make their Easter garden for the competition. This takes place on Monday 30th March.

In RE this week we will be continuing with our topic Giving all. The children will be thinking about special people who give things away as part of their jobs. The children will also be listening to stories about Jesus and how he was a giver.


This week we will be editing and improving our writing. We will be doing some dictionary work and learning what a glossary is. Spelling tests will take place on Friday.
Mrs Morgan/Mrs Harding

This week we will be continuing to learn about decimals. We will be learning about tenths and hundredths and we will be ordering decimals too. The children will be learning about place value with decimals.


Mrs Sarsfield

The children will be learning about data handling, bar charts and graphs. The children will be reading, collecting  and representing data

We will be continuing with our topic on the ROMANS. The children will be learning about Roman gladiators. The children will also be learning about Roman gods.


The children will be learning about Newtons and forcemeters. They will be finding out how we can measure force.

Have a good week everyone.

The 3 and 4 team.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Monday 9th March

Welcome to our blog. The children looked excellent on World book day and thank you for your effort in preparing their costumes. Spellings and Maths homework was sent out again on Friday and the project homework is still running. The homeworks are excellent and the children love to see what each other have done.
 We have sent home a letter about the Easter gardens that are due in for the competition on the 30th of March. There will be no homework the week before to replace this.
Giving all
This week we will be starting a new topic this week. We will be listening to a story, thinking about people who work in dangerous places and also thinking about givers and takers in life.
The children will be learning about paragraphs again, practising their handwriting and completing work about the book ‘Escape From Pompeii.’ We will also be learning about plurals adding y and adding ies.
Mrs Morgan and Mrs Harding
This week we will be learning about FRACTIONS . We will be ordering fractions, finding fractions of numbers and finding equivalent fractions.
Maths Mrs Sarsfield
This week the children will be learning about DECIMAL chunking and bus stop dIvision method.
This week we will continue to learn about gladiators. The children have used ICT to research about gladiators and will be recording what they have found out.
The children will continue to learn about friction and will be setting up an experiment to test cars on different surfaces. The children have planned these experiments already.
Have a good week everyone

the 3 and 4 team