Sunday 25 January 2015

Monday 26th January

Welcome to our blog.
The children had a great time presenting this week’s homework and they received an allocation of points for their efforts. A few children will present theirs on Monday as we ran out of time because they were so good.
If children do not bring their work in for two weeks then the child will have to revert to doing sentences every week. The children were really excited and we are encouraging them to complete the work themselves with some help. If there are any questions do not hesitate to come in and ask one of the 3 and 4 team.
There is My maths homework to and this can be completed any time up to the end of this half term.

In RE this week we will be continuing with our topic JOURNEYS.  The children will be learning about the Rosary and the journey of Mary and Jesus. The children will also be thinking about the journey of life.

This week the children will be completing a dictation and handwriting exercise linked to the topic work of the Romans. The children will also be investigating the spelling of using a y for an I sound such as in the words my, by, sly, sty, cry, shy, why, supply, rely, deny, July, magnify, multiply, reply.

The children will also be thinking about the qualities a Roman soldier needs and be completing an application form.

Mrs Morgan/Mrs Harding
This week we will be learning about DIVISION. We will be learning all about DIVIDING numbers with and without remainders. We will begin to explain the bus stop method of division too.

Mrs Sarsfield
The children will be learning about AREA and PERIMETER. The children will be finding the area of rectangles and squares. The children will be calculating the perimeter of all different 2D shapes.

We will be continuing with our topic on the ROMANS. The children will be learning about the inside of a Roman villa. The children will be learning also about mosaics and making one.

Light and Shadows
The children will be learning about translucent, transparent and opaque objects and how they allow light to pass through them.

Have a good week everyone.
The 3 and 4 team.

Saturday 17 January 2015

Monday 19th January

Welcome to our blog.
The children should have brought home a large A3 sheet with lots of ideas for their project homework on the Romans. The system will be a little different this year. Each activity is worth a number of points ranging from 2 to 10 points. Each week the children need to complete something and bring it in for a show and tell session on a Friday. If the children are working on something a bit more time consuming then they can bring in a picture of what they are in the middle of doing. The children will be given points each week and these points will be added together. The top five sets of points will receive a prize at the end of Spring term.

If children do not bring their work in for two weeks then the child will have to revert to doing sentences every week. The children were really excited and we are encouraging them to complete the work themselves with some help. If there are any questions do not hesitate to come in and ask one of the 3 and 4 team.
Can we please remind you to send in PE kits again so we can start PE lessons again as soon as possible. There were a few children across the school that could not join in as they had no kit. Thank you.

In RE this week we will be continuing with our new topic JOURNEYS.  The children will be learning about the feats days associated with Mary and they will be learning about the Jewish feast days that Jesus celebrated.

This week we will continue to learn about prepositions and linking it to a beach.

Sentences such as:

The grey rocks above the threatening, wild sea shore.
We will also be editing and improving our story on Boudicca from last week.
The children will have their spelling test on Friday.


Mrs Morgan/Mrs Harding
This week we will be learning about multiplication. We will be learning all about single digit multiplication and moving onto the grid method and multiplication word problems.


Mrs Sarsfield
The children will be learning about multiplication and the grid method.

We will be continuing with our topic on the ROMANS. The children will be learning about the actual invasion of the Romans. The children will be learning also about mosaics and making one.

Light and Shadows
The children will be learning about translucent, transparent and opaque objects and how they allow light to pass through them.

Have a good week everyone.

The 3 and 4 team.

Friday 9 January 2015

Monday 12th January

Welcome to our blog. The children had a good first four days back. They really enjoyed the theatre trip on Friday and their behaviour was excellent.
Can we please remind you to send in PE kits again so we can start PE lessons again as soon as possible. Thank you.

This week we will be sending spellings and Maths homework home. We will be sending a project homework home this term on the Romans. The project will be  a little different and the children will have to complete activities using a points system. They need to choose different activities on the Romans and they will be given points each week. We will be having a homework review session every week when the children will show what they have done that week. We will explain everything to the children but feel free to come in and ask any details.

In RE this week we will be continuing with our new topic JOURNEYS.  The children will be learning about a church year and the special events in the year. They will also be thinking about the meaning of our school mission statement, ‘To love and serve as Jesus shows us.’

This week we will be learning about prepositions and linking it to the inside of a house.
Sentences such as:

The chair is UNDER the table.

The light is IN the sky.
We will also be reviewing the story mountain: start of a story, build up, problem, resolution and ending of a story. The children will be planning and writing a story based on Boudicca.

Mrs Morgan/Mrs Harding

This week we will be learning about partitioning numbers again and place value. That means splitting a number up into hundreds, tens and units. We will also be exploring different methods of multiplication using arrays and repeated addition.

Mrs Sarsfield
The children will be learning about decimals. The children will be working with place value and
also be learning about tenths and hundredths. The children will be learning about decimal sequences.

We will be continuing with our new topic on the ROMANS. We will continue to learn about before the Roman invasion, the Roman invasion and Roman soldiers and army. The children will be learning also about mosaics and making one.

Light and Shadows

The children will be reviewing about light sources. The children will be learning about how shadows are formed too by blocking the light.

Have a good week everyone.

The 3 and 4 team.

Friday 2 January 2015

Tuesday 6th January

Welcome back to Spring term. We hope the children have had a good rest and are now all well again.
Can we please remind you to send in PE kits again so we can start PE lessons again as soon as possible. Thank you.
Please remember that Monday is an Inset day and Tuesday is the start of the new term.

On Friday this week we will be going to see Snow white. If slips and money haven’t been sent in we will need this as soon as possible. We will also need parents and grandparents to come with us across all ages of the school.

In RE this week we will be starting our new topic JOURNEYS.  The children will be thinking about all different journeys and why people make journeys.

Mrs Morgan/Mrs Harding
This week we will be learning about time and digital time. The children need to be able to tell the time in five minute intervals. Some children may be moving onto the 24 hour clock too.
Mrs Sarsfield
The children will be learning about converting measures such as 1/ 4 metre = 25 centimeteres.
The children will also be reviewing symmetry.

We will be starting a new topic on the ROMANS. We will be learning all about the Roman empire and how it started. The children are really looking forward to our new topic. They certainly learned a lot about the Stone Age.

Have a good first few days back.

The 3 and 4 team.