Sunday 12 July 2015

Monday 13th July

Welcome to our last blog of the year.
This will be the last blog I write for 3 and 4 and I am sad to leave the year groups but am looking forwards to new challenges. It has been a pleasure to teach with all the Key Stage Two staff especially Mrs Morgan and Mrs Sarsfield. We welcome Mrs Edwards and Miss Backhouse into the team and I am sure it will be a fantastic new start and successful year.

This week the children will be doing lots of work for their records of achievement and will be completing some work to take home too. The children will be doing some follow up work on Chester zoo.
Lost property 
There is such a lot of lost property in the Juniors and especially in the lost property bin in Mrs Harding's cloakroom. Please could you come in and check as we will not have it over the summer holidays. Thank you.
Leaver’s Mass
The Leaver’s Mass will be on Tuesday 21st at 9.15am. Please remember that this is a very special event for our year six children and space is a premium in the hall.

On behalf of the 3 and 4 team I would like to thank you for all your support and we hope you have a lovely summer.

Mrs Harding
Mrs Sarsfield
Mrs Morgan

Sunday 5 July 2015

Monday 6th July

Welcome to our very nearly last blog of the year.
The children enjoyed visiting their new classroom last week and I am sure it will help them in the transition into their new class in September.

We have sent out homework and the children should have received Maths homework. There are three activities on my maths too. We are all testing the age related spellings for the whole year. There are some children who need to learn them. However, lots of children now know all or most of them. Well done children.

We have sent home the full list of age related spellings.
Art Exhibition
Pictures are available to buy for seven pounds for the next week.

 Chester zoo trip
We will be leaving just after nine and are due back at four o clock traffic permitting.
The children will need a waterproof if the weather is due to rain. The children will need sun cream as we will be outside all day. The children need a disposable packed lunch. They can bring up to ten pounds and this can be used to buy extra drinks while we are there.

In RE we will be thinking about special places. We will be thinking in detail about special places for Jesus and all the different Bible stories related to this. We will be completing an RE assessment too.

This week will be doing lots of writing activities. We will be completing a writing activity to send up to the children’s next teacher. We will be testing the children on the age related spellings too.

Mrs Morgan/Mrs Harding
This week the children will be reviewing Roman numerals and start work o number problems such as:

"I'm thinking of a number.  If you multiply my number by 5 and then add 6, you will get 51.  What is my number?"
(ans = 9)

The children will learn how to solve the question by going backwards through it and changing the signs to the opposite.

Mrs Sarsfield.

The children will be continuing to learn about angles and turns and start to learn about algebra too.



Have a good week,


The 3 and 4 team.