Friday 30 August 2013

Wednesday 4th September

Welcome to a new academic year and a very short week. We are sure all the children are excited and raring to go. For the first few weeks we will be having our induction weeks when the children will review school routines and rules of the classroom. The children will be participating in lots of circle time activities getting to know each other again. Details of Parent Induction meetings will be sent out very soon. Your child will need their PE kit this week and all uniform labelled with their names on. We encourage the children to bring in drinks of water into the classroom and we don't allow juice into the classroom for safety and health reasons. We will be stating new topics this week. PEOPLE IN RE WARRINGTON IN THE CIVIL WAR IN TOPIC NEW BEGINNINGS IN SEAL We hope the children have a great few first days in school. Best wishes, the 3 and 4 staff.