Monday 8 June 2015

Monday 8th June

Welcome to our first blog of the final half term which I am sure will go extremely fast.

Over the next two weeks we will be assessing the children to see how much progress that they have made during the last academic year. The children will be sitting test in reading, writing and maths. It is really important that the children have full attendance as the children perform their tests much better when they are sat with their groups or classes.
Homework will start again next week. Spellings will be sent home.

In RE we will be starting a new topic on choices. The children will be thinking about good and bad choices and the consequences of choices in life.


The children will be reviewing lots of concepts such as adverbs, inverted commas,  adjectives etc. They will be writing their assessed piece of writing at the end of the week. This will tell us their level and where they are in relation to age related targets for English.


Mrs Morgan/Mrs Harding

This week we will be reviewing lots of concepts such as money problems, data handling, decimals, fractions and fractions of numbers, division and number lines.


Mrs Sarsfield

The children will be reviewing lots of topics too such as number work, shape, data handling , fractions etc.



This week we will be learning about parts of a flowering plant and the children need to be able to identify parts as well as knowing their functions This includes petals, sepals, roots, stigmas, stamens, anthers etc.


This week we will all be working on an individual artist’s techniques and style. This art work will be displayed for you to purchase at the end of June. The children will be copying the style of an artist such as Paul Klee or Georgia O Keefe.

 Have a good first week,

The 3 and 4 team.

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